I accompany leaders and teams as they learn, plan, and adapt in service of an equitable, just, and climate-stable future.

Planning, learning, and impact

I believe that strategy and evaluation are best approached together, as parts of a holistic cycle for learning and adaptation.

I work with leaders and teams to surface learning about what works, and use these insights to guide decision-making and adapt strategies over time:

  • Designing systems for ongoing learning, improvement, and adaptation
  • Helping teams adopt new ways of working that center learning and adaptation
  • Articulating, testing, and evolving theories of change

Collaboration and networks

I believe that leadership, learning, and action can be ignited by making connections among people and ideas, and by designing safe, courageous, and creative conversations.

I support efforts across the spectrum of collaborative work, nascent to established:

  • Designing and facilitating generative dialogue, online and in person
  • Guiding the formation, growth, and evolution of networks
  • Shaping and stewarding learning communities, within and across organizations and sectors

Research for action

What does it take to change a system? How do groups navigate disruption and uncertainty? What can we learn from bright spots in nonprofit and philanthropic practice? What will it take to act on insights from the edges?

I partner with leaders who want to explore new frontiers of social impact:

  • Designing and conducting original research into nonprofit and philanthropic effectiveness, networks, and movement building
  • Facilitating dialogue, curating experiments, and implementing pilot projects that apply and advance research insights